Talofa LJ I really like your blog about your basic facts. I have a similar one like you but a different stage. My question is have you ever improved on your stage and got a higher score?.
Fakaalofa lahi atu LJ, I really like how you have improved with your basic facts test.I had a similar percentage to you and t was 86% and I was on stage 7. What is the biggest percentage you have got in Term 3?
That was a really good score you have got and I hop you can go to a stage 6 .I think you have did very very well on prototec .What would you like to get next time ?.
Fakaalofa lahi atu LJ , I really like your blog. You added all your the info on your stage percentage and congratulations on the 85%. I know because I done the same thing as you but a different stage.
Talofa LJ
I really like your blog about your basic facts. I have a similar one like you but a different stage. My question is have you ever improved on your stage and got a higher score?.
Fakaalofa lahi atu LJ, I really like how you have improved with your basic facts test.I had a similar percentage to you and t was 86% and I was on stage 7. What is the biggest percentage you have got in Term 3?
Kia ora lj
That was a really good score you have got and I hop you can go to a stage 6 .I think you have did very very well on prototec .What would you like to get next time ?.
Fakaalofa lahi atu LJ , I really like your blog. You added all your the info on your stage percentage and congratulations on the 85%. I know because I done the same thing as you but a different stage.
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