Name: LJ
Date: 8/05/2019
Title: Cycling
On Wednesday,Friday my class and I went cycling.We were there to l
earn how to cycle safely and we had to learn how to use signs when we
are riding the bikes.The coaches split us into groups.
So first we had to learn how to put on a helmet and learn the important
four S’s.The first s was the shell the shell help to protect your head.Next s
was styrofoam the styrofoam help the shell protect your head so for an example
the shell hit into something then the styrofoam would be the one to break instead
of your head.Next s Is the strips the strips holds the helmet in place on your head
and it also help to tighten it if the helmet was to big.The last s was stickers so when
you go to the shop and if you need a helmet for your bike then you would go to the
shop and buy one but to make sure that it is a good helmet you have to look for the
Next they tough us how to check our bike.So first we had to check if the tires were pumped up and the air wasn't coming out so that we could ride it.Next was the breaks we had to check the breaks so the we could stop if a cars coming or if we are about to crash into something and then that's when the breaks come in.Next was the chains we had to check
if it was rusty or not because if it was rusty it might get stuck while we riding the bike then we might fall forward.Last was the direction so we had to go in the front of the bike and put the front wheel between our legs and move the handles to check if the tires go in the same direction as the handles.
So after checking our helmets and bikes they tough us the signs for cycling.The first one was the sign to stop and so first you would put your fist out to let the people in front and at the back of you know that's your stopping.Next sign was to put your arm out with your hand open to tell people at the back of you and front which way you are one was a shoulder turn so when you are riding the bike you have to check at the back of you to see if a car is coming.
After learning how to do all of those things the coaches made opsicals for us but we had to stay in our groups.The coaches for the groups made a demonstration for us.They use the signs and all those things we lernt.So after the demonstration we had to follow what they did.So yea we had our tern going and we had to start in a line and the line was long because there were more people in my group then the other group.
Then we went on the road and started to cycle.So first we would had a group go on to one side and the other group go on the other side of the road.So my group went across and then so one of the coaches went far down.The other coach stayed with us and told us what to do before we ride the bikes to the other coach.We had to have two terms each then after that we had to go around the cars that were parked in front of our way.
That's what we did when we went safety cycling with the coaches that came to teach us.