
Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Basic Facts T2W5

I have not approved my basic facts.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Useing decimals everyday

Image result for when do we use decimals in lifeDecimals are used for scales to tell people
                                           how heavy or how light they are.
Image result for when do we use decimals in the real life
Decimals are used for the cost of he food.
Image result for where is decimals used in the real world     
Decimals are u in a swimming pool

To tell how fast they can swim.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Fraction Report

Monday 21th May
Fraction Report

A fraction is a part of the whole number.

Children need to know the language of fractions to do it right.  
You have to make sure you put the numbers in the right place.
So if you take a circle and cut straight down the
middle and shade one half of it black.
This is what we call a half so to put it in a
fraction will be like this ½.
The bottom number is called denominator and the
top number is called numerator.

Children learn their fraction in everything they do.
Fractions are needed when you are cooking and baking.
So if you bake a chocolate cake you would need to measure
out ½ cup sugar, ¼ cocoa, 1 ½
cup flour and ¼ cup of milk.

Children can learn there factions quickly by using counters,
measuring cups, blocks, fraction charts, calculators and a
pen and paper.